How Donald Trump's Victory Could Be Useful In The Gold Market

After Donald Trump's shocking presidential win, the US economy took a bit of a tumble in the stock market. This plunge has recovered slightly, but it has many people worried about their economic future. However, if you have a lot of gold jewelry or other golden items in your home, now might not be a bad time to think about selling them. Why? Gold Prices Rise In Times Of Uncertainty

Tips For Using Specialty Threads While Sewing

If you are working on a project that requires thread that is made out of a finer, more delicate material, then you are entering the world of specialty threads. Specialty threads are threads that are not necessarily used in everyday sewing projects. Here are some tips for using and buying specialty thread in order to ensure that you are getting the best experience possible. 1. Watch Out for Colorfastness With Rayon

Decorate Paper Lanterns To Hang Outdoors From The Top Of A Canopy

Use battery-operated LED lights, paint, and various craft and household supplies to decorate paper lanterns to hang outdoors from the top of a canopy by completing the following steps. The lanterns will provide you with plenty of visibility and will enhance your outdoor surroundings. Materials newspaper craft paint (several colors) thin paintbrushes cup of water stencils glitter sponges scissors plastic dishes tissue paper glue cotton swabs pipe cleaners paper lanterns battery-operated LED lights (with clips) acrylic craft spray twine measuring tape clothespins Assemble The Lanterns And Add Painted Designs